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Trainings in Banking in Luxembourg
Latest published trainings
View the
365 training courses
Banking and insurance
offered by the
20 training providers
, which are members of, the portal for lifelong learning.
National and International Agreements Regulating the Financial Sector in Luxembourg
Crédits aux entreprises - Approfondissement
Private Equity - Specificities of Fund of Funds Strategies
New e-payment methods & Emerging trends in treasury innovation and fintech solutions
Regulatory reporting - UCITS and AIFs
Master Banque, Finance, Assurance, parcours Fonds de Gestion Privée (BFA)
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These other trainings might also interest you:
Administration of assets
Asset management
Back office
Bank loans
Bank management and operation
Bank marketing
Banking and insurance risk management
Banking law
Banking services
Civil liability insurance
Company insurance
Construction insurance
Financial markets
Financial products
General insurance
Initiation to the stock exchange
Insurance law
Life insurance
Motor vehicle insurance
Personal insurance
Portfolio management
Private client base
Private property insurance
Property loans
Sale of insurance
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Banking and insurance
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Diplomas accessible through continuing training
Overview of diplomas accessible through continuing training
Vocational training: DT, DAP, CCP
Adult apprenticeship: what is it about?
DT - Technician's Diploma
DAP - Vocational Aptitude Diploma
CCP - Vocational Capacity Certificate
Secondary education, DAEU and DAES
DFESC - Classical Secondary School Leaving Diploma
DFESG - General Secondary School Leaving Diploma
DAEU - Access to University Studies Diploma
DAES - Access to Higher Education Diploma
Post-secondary and higher education
University diploma
BTS - Higher Technician Certificate
Master Craftsmanship
Upskilling pathways
5e classes (third year of secondary education)
Regulated continuing training courses
Overview of regulated continuing training courses
Parental assistance
Acquiring Luxembourg nationality
Crafts and trades
Business-related professions, Property, HORECA, Transport
Regulated health professions
Tattoo parlours and establishments providing public tanning appliances
Non-formal education sector
Safety officer
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Directory of training providers
Request financial support
Everything you need to know about the co-funding of training
Overview of company training support
Support for company training
Co-funding of training
Support to promote apprenticeship
Overview of training support for individuals
Support for individuals
Special paid leave
Individual training leave
Language training leave
Youth leave
Cultural leave
Training leave for staff representatives
Organisation of working time
Personal working time arrangement
Unpaid training leave
Specific financial support
Tax deductibility
Financial support from the State for students in higher education (AideFi)
Erasmus+ programme
Assistance in acquiring Luxembourg nationality
Support for vocational training of job seekers
Reduction voucher
Validate your experience
Overview of Validation of non-formal and informal learning (VAE)
Diplomas accessible through VAE and procedures
What is it about?
VAE for vocational training, general secondary education, and for the Master Craftsmanship
VAE for the Higher Technician Certificate
VAE for university diplomas
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Training news
You are an individual
You are a company
You are a training professional
Lifelong learning
Lifelong learning: what is it all about?
Education and initial training, lifelong learning
Training stakeholders: who does what?
CLQ - The Luxembourg qualifications framework
Recognition of diplomas
Secondary education diplomas
Higher education diplomas
Training Observatory
About the Observatory
TEVA study - transition from school to working life
Training glossary
Guidance and retraining
Guidance and retraining: what is it all about?
Educational and vocational guidance
Skills audit
Arrangements for adults
L4S - Personalised learning workshops - Basic education
Education for people with special needs
"Biergerpakt" – Citizen's pact for intercultural living together
Integrating the labour market
ENAD - National School for Adults
CIE - Employment Initiation Contract
CAE - Employment Support Contract
COIP - Professional guidance and initiation courses
F4L - Fit fir d'Léier
Reintegrating the labour market
Initiation and development training
CRE - Employment Reintegration Contract
Future Skills Initiative
Professional reintegration initiatives
Occupational mobility
Carrying out training activity
Become an approved training provider
Accreditation of Luxembourgish classes for acquiring nationality
European initiatives
Europass - the European skills passport
CEFR - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
EQF - European Qualifications Framework
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