Introduction to SQL, the query language for relational databases

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16,00 Stonn(en)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


No prerequisites necessary


Learners are able to:

  • Create queries in SQL for relational database systems
  • Write single table queries
  • Filter records to obtain only the relevant information
  • Use joins to read data from multiple tables simultaneously
  • Add, fetch, modify and delete records in a table (CRUD)


SQL is the most popular query language par excellence and is used by many world-famous companies such as Facebook, Microsoft, Adobe, and others. It is hard to imagine working with relational databases without SQL. In this very practical course, we will not only learn about the language, but also perform various data queries on a MySQL server.
The training sessions are very hands-on oriented in dedicated computer rooms.
Through an active engagement, we will tackle various problem sets and discuss the different approaches.

Certificat, Diplom

DLH Certificate of Participation

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