Women Empowerment Program: Lead Your Career, Dare To Succeed!

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U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

  • For Senior Female Executives

Erreechten Niveau



32,00 Stonn(en)

Eight half-day coaching sessions

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


Promoting Female Leadership is a two-way street: it needs women to play their part in the game. Our program gives women in leadership positions, or those aspiring to become leaders, an unmatched opportunity to advance their careers and reach their full potential. This program is designed for women who are in leadership positions, or who aspire to become leaders. Helping them to overcome the barriers in their minds, take their careers into their own hands and reach their full potential. In a safe environment, women learn from each other by sharing experiences and creating their own career plans, which they will apply in the years to come.

  • Recognise and work on the habits that hold women leaders back.
  • Learn techniques to advance on the career path to share with colleagues and create positive change in the work environment.
  • Every participant will create her individual career plan that she will put into practice in the following years.


  • Module 1 - Dare to Succeed! Professional women need to understand that they have power over their careers. They must become proactive and "activate" that power to reach their full potential by making smart and conscious choices. They need to put in place a career plan and execute it.
  • Module 2 - Be Aware: Women need to be aware of what is needed to be successful at their respective levels in their organisation and of the specific behaviors or strategies that may help or prevent them from reaching their professional goals.
  • Module 3 - Make Your Own Choices: The messages we receive from others have a powerful impact on how we see ourselves and where we put our own limits. We cannot choose what people say to us. We can choose what we say to ourselves and to what extent we let others influence our beliefs about ourselves.
  • Module 4 - Proactive Development: Professionals need to think strategically about their own development, rather than rely on their organisation. They need to embrace a growth mindset ("everyone can learn to reach their full potential") and be proactive about their professional development.
  • Module 5 - Visible Contribution: Women can increase their contribution to the organisation by identifying and overcoming barriers that prevent them from contributing more and by finding strategies to help them have a more visible impact. Visible contribution to the organisation is paramount for one’s career.
  • Module 6 - Relationships Matter: Building relationships is a learnable skill that can help us develop and advance in our career. We need to authentically get to know people and create mutually rewarding relationships that can have a positive impact on our personal and professional life.
  • Module 7 - The Impact of Influence: The ability to influence others becomes increasingly relevant as we progress in our career. We need to realise that we are able to reconcile our personal values (humility, for example) with promoting ourselves and our individual brands.
  • Module 8 - The Future of Your Career Starts Now! This is the first day of the future of your career! It’s time to unlock the power of taking in hand your own career and to strive to reach your full potential. A career by default is no longer an option now you have created your own career plan. It’s time to dare to succeed!

Behandelt Punkten

  • Recognise and work on the habits that hold women leaders back.
  • Learn techniques to advance on the career path to share with colleagues and create positive change in the work environment.
  • Every participant will create her individual career plan that she will put into practice in the following years.

Pedagogesch Methoden

  • Eight half-day face-to-face peer coaching sessions (one per month): sharing experiences, brainstorming, individual and group leadership development exercises.

Certificat, Diplom

Certified Leadership Program

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