Use of social networks and working relationships

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3,25 Stonn(en)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


  • To understand the employer’s power to investigate
  • To be able to use the information gathered correctly
  • To explore potential monitoring methods and safeguards that an employer might use
  • To understand and avoid errors that should not be made in this respect


Having truly flourished in the private sector, social networks are playing an increasingly prominent role in the professional sphere.

This trend for all things digital has consequently led to many questions being asked. Can you use information posted on social networks in the framework of the recruitment process? Can you monitor the use of social networks during (or indeed outside of) working hours? Is it possible to sanction an employee for having posted derogatory comments on Facebook, for example?

Expert: Anne Morel, Bonn Steichen & Partners

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

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