Python for Data Science: The basics of the language (S-IT0041)

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

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Anyone wishing to learn to program in Python and how to do Datascience in Python.


24,00 Stonn(en)

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Collect data, analyze it from A to Z, and extract information using Python. The goal is to acquire the skills to become an autonomous data scientist. The training will consist of a theoretical part to understand the concepts and a practical part made up of cases, examples and concrete exercises.


  • Use Spyder a text editor for Python.
  • Retrieve the data and integrate them into his work plan.
  • Efficiently manipulate data with Python and the Pandas library.
  • Use Python to do data science.
  • Program in Python.
  • Know the different data structures (lists, dictionaries, tables, dataframes,...).
  • Explore and visualize data with Matplotlib, Seaborn and Bokeh.

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