Emotional Intelligence : the differentiator to your work life

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3,25 Stonn(en)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


At the end of the workshop you will

  • Objective 1 – understand EQ is a differentiator;
  • Objective 2 – know how to apply EQ in your day to day work life;
  • Objective 3 – have tools that can help you apply your EQ.


Emotional Intelligence has come to the fore front of discussions in the workplace today and it is becoming a differentiator when looking at Artificial Intelligence vs Human workforces.In this workshop we will look at what is Emotional Intelligence and the model behind. See how Emotional Intelligence can impact your communication thus create better relationships with clients and colleagues. The workshop will create a space to help you understand yourself better and improve your motivation.

This workshop will be using expertise from systemic coaching concepts and gamification tools. It will put the attendees into an interactive experiential world in order to help them shift their mindset and understand themselves better.

Expert : Virginia Anderson, Matrix Consulting.

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

Important. Participants are hereby informed that they are likely to appear on photographs taken at the event. These are intended to be published in print and/ or digital media published by Maison Moderne.

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