French courses A2 to C1 of the CEFR

Blended learning

Who is the training for?

A2 voire A1 du CERCRL jusqu'à C1.

Level reached



At the client's discretion

L'apprenant peut lui même choisir la durée de la formation en début de parcours ou à la suite du test.

Language(s) of service



Niveau A2


Improve oral and oral comprehension as a priority. Following a precise audit of your written and oral level and your choice of training program, we offer you a course that meets your needs and your expectations:

  • be able to understand an employee in a professional or informal situation
  • be able to understand working documents in a real situation
  • practice oral communication by skype, webconference or telephone
  • work on support documents in our e-learning


Alternating theoretical and practical sessions with systematic sending of course report at the end of each session.

  • Acquisition phase.
  • Pre-Learning: preparation for the upcoming session by reading targeted teaching resources or online work contained in the course report provided by the trainer.
  • Courses: acquisition of specific and predetermined skills when setting up the program.
  • Practice phase.
  • Situational application promoting learner expression, allowing them to deepen their understanding and acquire the skills necessary to express themselves with ease in context.
  • Post-Learning: tutored online work in the form of practical exercises through targeted documents to ensure the consolidation of knowledge.
  • Transfer phase.
  • Review of acquired skills.
  • Coaching session: role playing, simulation to capitalize on the acquired knowledge.
  • Tutored online work.

The sessions will be conducted by phone and/or video or skype. The tutored online work will be done on the LMS platform on which reservations will be made at the choice of the learner as well as the monitoring of the training in its entirety.


  • Audit linguistique de début de formation.
  • Suivi de l’avancement du programme de formation et des travaux tutorés réalisés en temps réel effectué par le formateur référant.
  • Dans le cadre d’une formation Blended, le temps estimé pour la réalisation

Certificate, diploma

Attestation de fin de formation avec niveaux entrant et sortant CECR. Feuilles de présence. Certificat d'Assiduité.

Mode of organisation

Nos formations s'accompagnent d'un suivi personnalisé par nos coachs du Service Client qui vous accompagnent tout au long de la formation, présente les outils et vous conseillent sur la marche à suivre pour une efficacité maximum..

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