Professional communication: mastery of the French language

Intra-company training

Who is the training for?

All public

Level reached



2,00 day(s)

Language(s) of service



  • Master the rules of spelling and grammar.
  • Identify and correct errors.
  • Write all types of official documents with ease.


1. Written communication: Corresponding: arguing, conveying a complex message. / Identify in writing the main ideas of a text dealing with current events or a complex professional text. / Text summary methodology. / Write a report. / Write a report. / Master the use of the basic structures of French (mail): formulas of use. / Learn how to avoid the pitfalls of the French language. / Written comprehension and silent reading. / Correctly answer questions in writing. / Understand a complex text related to current affairs or professional life. / Understand a text relating to his profession.

2. Know the classes of words and their function in the sentence: The different pronouns. / All articles. / Proper names and common names. / Genders and the plural. / Verbs in the infinitive and conjugated verbs. / Circumstantial complements. / Qualifying adjectives. / Prepositions and their complements. / Master the usual tenses of the indicative: present, past tense, imperfect, past perfect, simple future and near future. / Master the tenses of the conditional (present and past). / Master the tenses of the subjunctive (present and past).

3. Conjugation: The auxiliaries to be and to have. / The concordance of times. / The past participle and the present participle. / The past participle: basic rules and rules of agreement in relation to COD and COI. / Revise past participle agreements. / Knowing how to apply the termination of time. / Avoid confusion: Subjunctive / indicative / Conditional / future / Compound tenses / simple tenses / The imperative.

4. Spelling: The usual spelling. / Common spelling errors. / Specific spelling rules. / The plural, the feminine and the masculine, the writing of numbers. / Punctuation and graphic signs. / Agreements of nouns, adjectives, participles and verbs. / The main invariable words. / Adverbs of manner.

5. Grammar: The rules of grammar. / Syntax rules. / The verb (chords, conjugation).

Teaching methods

  • Apports théoriques et pratiques
  • Formation tournée vers l'interactivité et l'echange
  • Exercices ludiques et pratiques
  • Support de cours version papier et numérique


Certification Voltaire, CLOE ou BRIGHT possible - LLTI est centre de passation agréé

Certificate, diploma

Attestation de fin de formation et Bilan pédagogique de fin de formation

Mode of organisation

En présentiel, dans les locaux de la société ou à l'adresse de votre choix

Organization contact details

Slawomir Pindor

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