Anglais - Conversation - B2.1 du CECRL (LA-EN-60 2023/2024)

Blended learning

Who is the training for?

Tout adulte souhaitant développer ses compétences

Level reached

CEFRL - Level B2


56,00 hours(s)

Language(s) of service



The course is for those who already have a good base in English but wish to improve their fluency through structured conversation. It is a varied course using different teaching methods such as audio-visual, newspaper articles, individual presentations, radio programmes, games, etc. Only English is spoken and the method is total immersion.


Les détails du contenu sont disponibles auprès de l'organisateur.

Certificate, diploma

Certificat de participation du MENJE (Condition : 70% de taux de participation)

Mode of organisation

Les inscriptions et les demandes d'informations s'effectuent directement auprès de l'organisateur qui délivre la formation.

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