Digital assets and the metaverse for senior executives

Formation intra-entreprise

À qui s'adresse la formation?

This course is designed as a comprehensive primer for:

  • Business managers
  • C-suite officers
  • Digital transformation managers/chiefs
  • Technology officers
  • Digital innovators, R&D, software developers
  • Board members

Niveau atteint



1,50 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


As a decision maker, you are flooded/bombarded by/with information, noise, data and figures. Making sense of it is a real challenge. However, understanding the transformative potential of technology and applications such as blockchain, crypto-assets and the metaverse on your business is critical for you to make informed strategic decisions. We aim at providing you with all you need to know in that perspective while focusing on facts and business impact.

By the end of this course, participants will:

  • review underlying key concepts and terminology;
  • understand the current market dynamics and how it is impacting traditional business;
  • discuss current trends and what lies ahead;
  • separate facts from the noise;
  • be prepared to engage in potentially more detailed business discussions.


  • Introductory crash course on key concepts
  • Review of market dynamics and business opportunities
  • Discussion on currently identifiable risks and limitations
  • Open discussion on actionable strategic initiatives

Informations supplémentaires

This training is coordinated by Thomas Campione, Director at PwC.

Thomas leads our blockchain and crypto-assets activities. He is the Luxembourg representative in the PwC Crypto Accounting Working Group (CAWG), the Global Crypto Committee and Global Blockchain Community in the PwC Network and has been an instructor within PwC team since 2015.

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