Introduction to programming (C1610) - distance learning

Blended learning

À qui s'adresse la formation?

Anyone wishing to understand the common basics of modern programming languages, such as future programer or web developer, with no knowledge of programming,


30,00 heure(s)

Langues(s) de prestation


Prochaine session


None. However, it is recommended to complete the module "Creating web pages with HTML and CSS" (C1601) prior to enroll to this module or to have equivalent knowledge.


  • Learn thebasics.
  • Familiarize with algorithms.
  • Discover programming languages.
  • Apprehend the variables.
  • Distinguish data types.
  • Determine functions and procedures.
  • Proceed to object based programming.
  • Execute debugging.


  • The basics
    • Introduction
    • Operating a program
    • Lifecycle of a program
  • Algorithmic
    • Introduction
    • Ratings
    • The structures
      • Sequential
      • Alternatives
      • Repetitives
  • Programming languages
    • Introduction
    • The languages
      • Formalities
      • Informals
    • Details on programming languages
  • Variables
    • Introduction
    • Declaring variables
    • Using variables
    • Declaring constants
  • Data types
    • Introduction
    • Basic types
    • Complex types
  • Different structures (in detail)
    • Structures
    • Sequentials
    • Alternatives
    • Repetitives
  • Functions and procedures
    • Introduction
    • Concepts and vocabulary
    • Statements
    • Argumentation
  • The object-oriented approach
    • Introduction
    • Properties
    • Methods
    • Events
  • Debugging
    • Programming errors
    • Searching for errors
    • Summary
    • To be defined according to needs/requests

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