Road Haulage (C7010)

Unternehmensübergreifende Weiterbildung

An wen richtet sich die Weiterbildung?

This course is aimed at people who would like to take on a job as a dispatcher in the world of road transport. As an operator, or in one of the various functions at a logistics service provider.


23,00 Stunde(n)

Sprache(n) der Dienstleistung



Successful completion of the module "Overview on the logistics sector" (C7000E) or proof of equivalent certified knowledge.


  • Acquiring the knowledge of the specific characteristics, contractual relationships and particular features of the actors involved in road transport.
  • Developing the knowledge of the technical differences of the various trucks, as well as the related legal regulations.
  • Developing the necessary expertise of the European regulations on driving and rest times for optimal planning of vehicle deployment.
  • Developing the necessary technical knowledge of load calculation for optimal utilisation of vehicles within the framework of legal regulations.
  • Acquiring the basics for a realistic cost calculation of the use of a commercial vehicle.
  • Teaching the relevant legal aspects of transport planning, by using practical examples from the daily reality.


Le contenu est identique aux objectifs d'apprentissage pour cette formation.

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