Luxembourgeois - A1 du CECRL (LA-LB-574 2023/2024)

Außerschulische Weiterbildung

An wen richtet sich die Weiterbildung?

Tout adulte souhaitant développer ses compétences

Erreichtes Niveau

CECRL - Niveau A1


50,00 Stunde(n)

Sprache(n) der Dienstleistung



Making contact, greeting, giving your contact details.
Exchanging simple information about family, work, going out, projects, vacations, accommodation.
Introducing yourself and someone else in a simple way.
Talking about your daily activities and hobbies.
Communicating simply in everyday life: shopping, restaurants, cafes.


  • Foreign language - Luxembourgish - A1
    • To learn Luxembourgish in order to be better integrated in the Luxembourgish community and way of life.

Zertifikat, Diplom

Certificat de participation du MENJE (Condition: 70% de taux de participation)


Les inscriptions et les demandes d'informations s'effectuent directement auprès de l'organisateur qui délivre la formation.

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