
Agréé par la loi du 4 juillet 2014

Types de formation prestées

Formation catalogue et sur mesure

Autres activités liées à la formation

Accompagnement - Coaching, Information

Zones d'intervention

Luxembourg (Toutes régions)

Langues(s) de prestation


Nombre de formations publiées


Qui sommes-nous?


ILNAS is the Luxembourg institute for standardization, accreditation, safety and quality of goods and services. Created in 2008 as a public administration under the authority of the Minister of the Economy, ILNAS currently represents a network of competencies relating to quality and safety of products and services, whose missions support national competitiveness.

ILNAS, as the Luxembourg’s standards body and member of the European and international standardization organizations (CEN, CENELEC, ETSI, ISO, IEC, ITU), promotes the use of standards and encourages companies to benefit from the participation in standardization.


Created in 2010, the "Agence pour la normalisation et l’économie de la connaissance" (ANEC) is an economic interest grouping (EIG) whose goal is to support ILNAS in the execution of its strategies in the fields of standardisation and metrology, as well as applied research with the aim of supporting the competitiveness of companies in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg or deepening the socio-economic knowledge of the country.

ILNAS and ANEC offer you the following free services regarding standards and standardization:

  • Participation in standardization
  • Consultation and sale of standards
  • Coaching
  • Sector-based standards analysis
  • Research
  • Awareness and training sessions
  • Targeted standards-watch

Méthodes pédagogiques

All our training courses may be provided at our offices (Esch/Belval) or within your company. To best meet your needs and to deliver a quality training, we use the following approach:

1. During the course: pedagogical tools

During the course, the trainer will use different tools, such as:

  • Interaction and collaboration
  • Theoretical and practical aspects
  • Exercises and study cases in your sector

2. After the course: assessment and coaching

After the course, the trainer will contact you to discuss on:

  • Your evaluation
  • Your remaining questions
  • Your suggestions
  • Your training or coaching needs

Domaines de formation

Informatique, Télécommunication
Qualité, Sécurité

Quelques chiffres

Début de l'activité de formation
Formateur(s) permanent(s)

Catalogues à télécharger