Education for people with special needs

Last update : 11.08.2023

People who are blind or have impaired vision and anyone who is interested

As part of its Adult Education programme, and in close collaboration with the CDV, the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth organises special courses for people who are blind or have impaired vision, and for anyone else who is interested and concerned.

The classes for adults are held in small groups so that it is possible to meet individual needs; they cover five different areas:

The teaching staff are particularly attentive to each participant’s initial level, and to the personal limits and handicaps of each individual.

There is no charge for the courses, which generally last 36 weeks.

Deaf people, those who are hard of hearing, their entourage, and anyone who is interested

The City of Luxembourg offers classes in German sign language, both for beginners (DGS1 - Deutsche Gebärdensprache 1) and the more advanced (DGS2 - Deutsche Gebärdensprache 2) as well as a DGS3 class.

These classes are held at the Centre Sociétaire Cents at 167, rue de Trèves, L-2630 Luxembourg.

These classes are for anyone who wants to learn German sign language either for their own interest or because they have contact with people who are hard of hearing, deaf, or have special needs, or because their work is connected with people who have special needs.


CDV - Centre pour le développement des compétences relatives à la vue

17 A, route de Longwy
L-8080 Bertrange

Frank Groben
+352 45 43 06 1

Service Intégration et besoins spécifiques de la Ville de Luxembourg

13, rue Notre-Dame
L-2240 Luxembourg

Registration and Information
+352 47 96 23 89