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Digital Skills

"Digital skills" comprise the knowledge and aptitudes required for using digital technologies, such as computers, smartphones, the Internet, as well as a large variety of software and applications.

Professionally, the use of digital tools is often indispensable, whether it’s for communication, project management or data analysis. In this digital era, these skills contribute to work-efficiency and improve career prospects.

In everyday life, digital skills facilitate several tasks. They enable people to manage their finances, to make online purchases, to book a holiday and stay in touch with friends and family through social networks and messaging apps. The acquisition of these skills also contributes to a more inclusive society and can help people to learn to use the internet safely.

To keep up with rapid technological evolutions, these skills should be updated continuously. They are a vital tool for personal and professional development and enable people to evolve within our increasingly connected society.

Green skills

"Green skills" refers to the knowledge and aptitudes required to work in a way that respects the environment. They include practices and techniques that aim to protect the planet, to use resources sustainably and to reduce pollution.

In the context of climate change, these skills are vital. They make it possible to manage natural resources better, to develop renewable energies and to promote more sustainable ways of living and working. These skills are increasingly sought after in the job market and open up opportunities in growth sectors such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture and waste management.

By adopting practices that respect the environment, we can reduce our impact on the planet, develop innovative solutions against pollution and better preserve biodiversity. Green skills therefore protect the environment, create jobs, improve public health and aim to respond to today’s environmental and social challenges.

Soft Skills

Transversal skills or "Soft Skills" are personal and social skills that help people to interact effectively with others and to navigate different professional and social environments. Contrary to technical skills or "Hard Skills", they are not job-specific but are useful in almost every field.

Increasingly valued in the professional environment, they include qualities such as communication, cooperation, time-management, adaptability and critical thinking. These skills are essential for working as part of a team, problem-solving, fostering a positive work environment, and adapting to a fast-changing job market.

On a daily basis, transversal skills are also vital for being able to manage personal relationships better, for resolving conflicts and making informed decisions. They improve human interactions and allow people to blossom in various aspects of their life.