Companies' training practices

Last update : 15.03.2024

General information

The data relating to in-company training in Luxembourg is collected from Luxembourgish private-sector companies receiving public co-funding for continuing vocational training. The applications made by these companies make it possible to analyse their training practices.

In 2020, a total of 2.203 companies in the Luxembourgish private sector received financial support from the State to finance the training plan. These companies dedicated 1.1% of their payroll to training. Employees took, on average, 4.1 training courses lasting 3.2 hours. On average, a training course cost 170 euros per participant and 54 euros per hour. State support for continuing vocational training (CVT) came to 26.2 million euros.

Companies receiving public co-funding for training

In 2020, 2.203 companies received financial support from the State for training. These companies, either individually or grouped together with other companies, made up for a total of 1.625 co-funding applications. At a national level, 29.7% of private companies with 10 employees or more received State support and 54.7% of all private-sector employees were represented.

Companies' training effort

Companies receiving State support dedicated 1.1% of their payroll to training. On average, training courses cost 170 euros per participant and 54 euros per hour. The services offered by training providers represented 24.6% of companies' training investment. The "Technical/Core-business-related" subject area accounted for 42% of companies' training investment and for 42% of training hours completed. After "Technical/Core-business-related", the highest number of training course participants was in "Finance, accounting and law" and "Quality, ISO and safety". These three subject areas together attracted 77% of those participating in training courses.

Employees' access to training

The employees of companies receiving State support took, on average, 4.1 training courses lasting 3.2 hours. On average, men took slightly more training courses than women (4.2 compared with 3.9), the gap being wider in companies in the "Agriculture and industry" sector (5.3 compared with 1.9). On average, managers and senior executives participated in more training courses (6.4) than qualified employees (4.2). Non-qualified employees took, on average, 2.5 fewer training courses than all employees. Female senior executives and managers participated in more training courses (on average 7.3 and 7.9, respectively) than non-qualified women (1.1 training courses, on average). Finally, "employees +" could expect to take 2.8 training courses.

The State's financial contribution

In 2020, State support for continuing vocational training (CVT) came to 26.2 million euros, which was a decrease of 29.3% compared with 2019. The amount of co-funding granted came, on average, to 16.117 euros per application (median: 3.898 euros), 9.4 euros per training hour and 122 euros per employee.



Alex Durand
Responsable Observatoire de la formation