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Services to individuals: parental assistant, childhood and youth

As far as services to individuals are concerned, the Luxembourg legislation defines the rules and training courses to be followed for the exercise of certain professions.

The parental assistant (or childminder) takes care of children aged between 0 and 12 years in his or her own home. The regulation of the activity of parental assistance or Dageselteren requires obtaining approval as a parental assistant. Persons who have not already undergone basic socio-educational training or care/healthcare training must attend a parental assistants' training course before they can obtain approval.

More information about the training for parental assistants

In an effort to improve quality in the contracted and non-contracted facilities operating in the non-formal education sector, the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth is making available continuing training opportunities aimed at educational and non-educational staff employed by the education and care facilities, mini-crèches and youth services.

More information about the non-formal education sector

Luxembourgish nationality

Anyone wishing to acquire Luxembourgish nationality by naturalisation or option must produce a "Living together in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" certificate and have passed the "Sproochentest Lëtzebuergesch". The law on Luxembourgish nationality provides for the methods of courses and assessment.

More information about acquiring Luxembourgish nationality

Crafts and trades

The Master Craftsmanship (Brevet de Maîtrise) is a professional qualification required for certain trades in order to set up in self-employment and train apprentices. It is the company manager training course par excellence. The legislation organises the training leading to the Master Craftsmanship and lays down the conditions for obtaining the title and the Master Craftsmanship.

More information about the training courses for craft trades

Professions: commerce, property, HORECA, transport

Setting up a business in the Grand Duchy offers great career prospects, provided that you master the basic management techniques that are crucial to ensuring the success of your future company. Training courses with a view to obtaining the business permit in the various trade-related professions are made available.

More information about professions in the trade, real estate, HORECA and transport sectors

Professions related to health and hygiene

Certain health professions are regulated and require an authorisation before being able to practice in the Grand Duchy. In order to obtain this authorisation issued by the Ministry of Health, the candidates must meet the professional conditions and the physical and mental health conditions necessary for exercising their profession.

More information about the regulated health professions

Anyone offering tattooing services or making UV tanning appliances available for use by the public must attend training regarding hygiene and health conditions or training regarding hygiene and protection conditions against ultraviolet radiations.

More information about hygiene in tattoo studios and establishments providing tanning appliances

Safety officer

Under Luxembourg law, employers are required to implement all the necessary measures to ensure protection of the safety and health of their employees in all work-related areas. To do so, employers appoint among their employees one or more safety officers. The safety officer (travailleur désigné) is required to know the legislation on health and safety in the workplace and must have the necessary technical knowledge to be able to assess health and safety problems in the workplace. Depending on the number of employees and the sector of activity, training courses are organised for safety officers.

More information about training courses for safety officers