Mini-MBA Foundations

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

The Mini-MBA Foundations is open to professionals with a minimum of 3 years of professional experience in any area and proficiency in English.

The program is the perfect fit for recently appointed managers or high-potential professionals with the ambition to grow into managerial positions. Experienced professionals with a technical background (engineering, legal, marketing, etc.) bring to the class different perspectives and know-how.

Erreechten Niveau



11,00 Dag(Deeg)

The course takes place from 9 am to 5 pm at our campus in Luxembourg City.

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


The Mini-MBA Foundations is designed to fit with an active work schedule. The program covers all core areas of general management, led by professors from top-ranked schools and experienced executives.

During 11 days, you will learn industry best practices and gain insights into Leadership, Finance, Negotiation, and Digitalisation from world-class faculty (Ret. Chairman of Microsoft Europe, ESADE Business School, Cornell University, etc.)


How to Engage Consumers in the Digital Era
  • This course helps managers to think beyond the online communication revolution and understand the profound consumer behavior transformation that we are experiencing, to redefine new marketing charters, strategies, and organizations.
  • We will provide the necessary tools to define and implement the new strategies in the areas of Go-to-market, product management, and consumer engagement.
Finance for Managers
  • This module is suitable for managers, directors, lawyers, and professionals of all levels, across any industry, who are expected to make business decisions with a direct financial impact on their business’s bottom line.
  • Finance for Managers is a program that will teach you how to create a budget, manage costs, and use financial information to make decisions.
Leading Teams
  • Participants will be able to more effectively motivate team members; to form teams that are complementary—to each other, and to the leader; are more likely to yield better decisions and team outcomes, including productivity, performance, and innovation.
  • This module is based on case studies to teach a set of tactical tools, provide a foundation of leadership fundamentals, and develop your own leadership style.
Unlock your Potential
  • Individuals and organizations think that fixing faults and flaws is the only way to make it to the top. This preoccupation with weaknesses is the biggest illusion of our time and a huge waste of the most valuable resources we have as human beings: our unique strengths.
  • In this unique module, Jan Mühlfeit teaches you how to identify and capitalize on your strengths and those of each member of your team.
Negotiating with Difficult People
  • Drawing on the techniques used by hostage negotiators, suicide and crises interveners, and international peace-makers, this interactive course gives participants many opportunities to practice techniques to negotiate with difficult people.
  • This module teaches tactical processes that separate rational problem solving from negotiating with the irrational, violent, and narcissistic in the workplace.
Leveraging Team Dynamics
  • During the module, with the use of gamified assessment, participants will understand their individual contributions and strengths, roles they play in the team, and what they bring as an advantage. During the discussions a special focus will be placed on complementing, competing, and conflicting roles so that the group dynamic is better understood in the future with the goal of better team engagement and productivity.
  • Understand individual strengths to use them in leading others.
  • Understand team roles and personal roles played to better complement teammates.
  • Understand conflicting roles to better navigate conflicts in teams.

Behandelt Punkten

The Mini-MBA is designed around major business topics such as Leadership, Finance, Negotiation, Marketing, and Digitalisation.

Pedagogesch Methoden

Before the start of each module, you can expect about 2-4 hours of individual preparation (reading, case studies, etc.). For the online assessment, the workload is estimated at about 2-4 hours per module.


The Mini-MBA does not require a final exam but online assessments are included.

Certificat, Diplom

Upon completion of the assessments, you will receive a certificate to add to your CV and LinkedIn profile, and ECTS credits, a head start toward earning a graduate degree in the future.

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