Gamification and communication: how to create efficient engagement with your audiences.

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3,25 Stonn(en)

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Nächst Sessioun


  • Capture the “seriousness” of creating games in a business environment;
  • Understand how to create high-value interactions with your customers and employees;
  • Discover new ways to leverage your data and digital communication channels.


People love to play games. They love to be challenged and do better than their counterparts. They love the feeling of winning and of course, they are looking to be entertained. Gamification is the application of typical elements of game playing (e.g. point scoring, competition with others, rules of play) into other areas of non-game applications, e.g. your communication or more fundamentally your business environment.

Do not consider Gamification as creating games for your business. It is rather a process for integrating game mechanics into something that already exists to motivate participation, engagement and loyalty. This can be almost anything, from your website to social media presence, day-to-day operations, customer engagement and more. This hands-on workshop will stimulate the gamer in you and show you very practically how games can become “serious”, helping you to extend relationships, craft long-term engagement and drive customer and employee loyalty.

Expert: Daniel Eischen, Interact.

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

Important. Participants are hereby informed that they are likely to appear on photographs taken at the event. These are intended to be published in print and/ or digital media published by Maison Moderne.

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