Compliance - Implementation of the Regulatory framework

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15,00 Stonn(en)

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This training course is designed for any person working in a Compliance function or aspiring to do so, especially in the financial sector. It will give the opportunity to the participants to tackle specific aspects of Compliance.


The programme of the practical module is composed of 5 general topics, including case studies, each one being dealt with in +/- 2-hour units:

  • Unit 1: Financial Crime
  • Unit 2: MIFID II
  • Unit 3: Market Integrity
  • Unit 4: Compliance and Data & Digital
  • Unit 5: Governance

Zousätzlech Informatiounen

Please note that the exam durates 1,5 hour.

Kindly note that the "Compliance - Implementation of the Regulatory Framework" modules have a duration of 15 hours and are organized either during the day or in the evenings. Please be aware that courses are set up in sessions of 3 or 4 hours. Please make sure to download the exact planning.

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