Instructions for newcomers to Luxembourg

Inter and intra-company training

Who is the training for?

  • Members of the HR department
  • New employees in Luxembourg

Level reached



2,00 hours(s)

Language(s) of service



To be able to provide information and guidance to new employees so that they can complete the administrative formalities with the various Luxembourg organizations.


Have any of your employees just arrived in Luxembourg? First of all, welcome!

It's likely that they'll be a little lost with all the new things they have to do and the administrative formalities to be carried out with the various organisations: Joint Social Security Centre - Centre Commun de la Sécurité (CCSS), National Health Fund Caisse Nationale de Santé (CNS), Familiy Allowances Fund - Caisse pour l'Avenir des Enfants (CAE) and the Tax Administration - Administration des Contributions Directes (ACD) for tax purposes.

As an HR professional, you will certainly be called upon to help them complete these formalities and understand this new social and fiscal environment. This training course is therefore an opportunity for you and/or your employees to review the procedures, rights and obligations involved in moving to Luxembourg.

These courses might interest you

Human resources - Personnel administration - System of remuneration