Certified Information Systems Auditor

Inter-company training

Who is the training for?

All public

Level reached



5,00 day(s)

Language(s) of service



Our CISA Exam prep course is an intense, very competitive and exam focused course. With our experience of delivering more than 150+ CISA events in Europe and around the world and training more than 1200+ CISA delegates, our CISA course material has been developed in house with the priority of ensuring CISA delegates pass the ISACA CISA Exam.
The training methodology used, focuses on understanding the Core IS auditing concepts and practising large number of ISACA released question banks from the last three years. CISA Certification holders are in huge demand with renowned accounting firms, global banks, advisory, assurance, and internal audit departments. The Net Security CISA manual covers all exam-relevant concepts, case studies, Q&A’s across CISA five domains. Furthermore, the Trainer shares the key CISA supporting material such as CISA notes, question banks, CISA glossary, videos, revision documents, exam tips, and CISA mind maps during the course. The Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) qualification, awarded by ISACA®, it is the globally accepted standard of achievement among information systems (IS) audit, control and security professionals. Net Security’s, CISA, Certified Information Systems Auditor certification training is aligned to ISACA and ensures that you have the exam in your first attempt.


The ultimate goal is to pass your CISA examination first time, as well as:
Use the knowledge gained in a practical manner beneficial for your organisation
Provide audit services in accordance with IT audit standards
Provide assurance on leadership and organizational structure and processes
Provide assurance on acquisition/ development, testing and implementation of IT assets
Provide assurance on IT operations including service operations and third party
Provide assurance on organisation’s security policies, standards, procedures, and controls to ensure confidentiality, integrity,and availability of information assets.
The 5 Domains
The Process of Auditing Information Systems
Governance and Management of IT
Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and Implementation
Information Systems Operations, Maintenance and Support
Protection of Information Asset.

Mode of organisation

Cours classique, avec formateur

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