Practical Board dynamics: optimising performance in your Board

Inter-company training

Who is the training for?

  • New or future directors who wish to gain practical experience of operating at Board director level.
  • Directors who wish to improve their Board's dynamic

Level reached



7,00 hours(s)

Language(s) of service



  • Equip the participant with 7 practical techniques for participating effectively in a Board meeting as well as raising the level of the collective debate of the Board.
  • Allow participants to gain experience at Board level in a "safe environment".
  • Identify group interactive dynamics between Board members which lead to suboptimal decision-making.
  • Assist participants in identifying how to deal practically and constructively with collective dysfunctionality at the board level.


This interactive programme puts participants in Board meeting situations with a view to diagnosing why Board meetings do not get the optimal decision for the company.

Participants will be put in position of an independent director of a theoretical company. The participants will attend a series of Board meetings for this company: 2 full Board meetings, and one audit committee meeting.

After a role play, the group will be invited to identify what were the sources of the inefficiencies and dysfunctionalities of the Board and the solutions that a Board can undertake in order to fix or avoid those dysfunctionalities.

The participants will also be given techniques (what to say, when and what effect it has) that allow individual Directors to improve the dynamic of the Board in deliberating and taking decisions.

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