Effective Chairing Skills

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

  • Board Chair persons.
  • Chair persons of any Board committee (Audit, Remuneration, Nomination, Risk committees, etc.).
  • Any and all Board members who are responsible for choosing their Chair person from amongst their ranks and who want to better define the role of their Chair person.
  • Executive senior management who have expectations of leadership from their Board.
  • Shareholders who nominate their Board members, and in particular have a say on the President.

Erreechten Niveau



7,00 Stonn(en)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


A detailed role of the Chair person is not legally defined, but it is widely accepted that the role of the Chair, beyond providing leadership to the Board, englobes the following:

  • Taking responsibility for the Board’s composition and overseeing induction & development of directors
  • Planning Board meetings and ensuring appropriate information for the Board
  • Conducting board meetings effectively and engaging all Board members
  • Actively engaging the Board in assessing and improving its performance
  • Supporting the CEO

The course is highly interactive, putting participants in real life Board situations to analyse the challenges of the Chair person and identify practical "what to do" and "how to do it" actions to be an effective Chair person.

Lastly, the course will give you access to a seasoned Chairman, who will share his experiences and give you the opportunity to ask questions and get experienced insights on practical matters of chairing a Board.


  • Taking responsibility for the Board's composition, overseeing induction & development of directors
  • Planning Board meetings and ensuring appropriate information for the Board
  • Conducting Board meetings effectively
  • Supporting the CEO
  • Actively engaging the Board in assessing and improving its performance
  • Question & answers session with a guest seasoned Chairman

Behandelt Punkten

  • Identify the areas where the Chair person can make a tangible difference to the efficiency and effectiveness of the Board.
  • Identify the key dynamics that the Chair person should look out for.
  • Share practical take-away "what to do" and "how to do it" for each of these dynamics.

Certificat, Diplom

A certificate of participation will be provided to the participants at the completion of the course.

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