DevNet Associate (CI1541)

Betribsiwwergräifend Formatioun

U wie riicht sech d'Formatioun?

IT Team members, network technicians or engineers, software developers.


70,00 Stonn(en)

Sprooch(e) vun der Déngschtleeschtung


Nächst Sessioun


Successful completion of the module "CCNA 7 - introduction to Networks Course Resources" (CI1500E) and Programming Essentials (CI1540E) or proof of equivalent certified knowledge.


  • Practice software development skills, including Python, GIT, and common data formats (XML, JSON, and YAML).
  • Become familiar with infrastructure automation using code, DevOps methodology, and microservices.
  • Create a secure REST API.
  • Explain the processes and devices that support network connectivity.
  • Use current technologies to deploy and secure applications and data in a cloud environment.
  • Compare software testing and deployment methods in automation and simulation environments.
  • Compare Cisco platforms used for collaboration, infrastructure management and automation.


Le contenu est identique aux objectifs d'apprentissage pour cette formation.

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